I have things to blog about. However, something is stopping me from blogging. Something more important. Guess what... Because, whenever I am in front of my laptop, I will have others distractions namely, FACEBOOK AND YOUTUBE. I guess both becomes a habit for me. Firstly, Facebook, I will always go facebook to peek at my friends' new updated photos or any status update. Haha. Secondly, Youtube, there is alot of interesting videos on it. So most of the time, I will forget about blogging.
I was at my uncle house few hours ago and he showed us photos taken long ago. I realise, my cousins, brothers and I have change quite alot and we are all getting older. Luckily, it is the change for better not the other way round. And my grandpa was quite handsome when he was young. My mum actually looks like a boy when young with those short hair and boy's clothing. However, I cannot show any photos here. Because, it is at my uncle's house.
Okay, gtg. I have school tomorrow. BYE.
Labels: hello